One of the major goals of the organization has been to upgrade existing housing through gut or
moderate rehabilitation.  In 1985, this goal was realized with the purchase of a New York City
owned property, which was completely renovated under the Community Management Program.
This building was the Genesis of our development and rehabilitation programs.  We have been
able to leverage more than 35 million dollars in the development of housing for our low to
moderate-income families in the South Bronx over the past 10 years.
BSR has been part of the NYS Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program for over 20 years.  
The program is funded by the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the US Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) and is administered by DHCR`s Energy Services Bureau.  
Weatherization provides building owners and tenants, assistance and education in energy
conservation, including repair or replacement of heating systems, wall and roof insulation,
replacement windows, water conservation and health and safety improvements etc.  As of this
date, the Shepherds have weatherized approximately 8-thousand units.
Education Committee
The Bronx Shepherds Education Committee has embarked on a reading program that provides
reading enrichment skills to the young people of its member churches.  The goal of the Reading
Enrichment Program is to help counteract the downward trend of reading scores by offering a
resource that will enable children to become better readers.  The program will utilize extra
curriculum materials intended to motivate elementary school children age six through eleven
years of age or first through sixth grade to develop and/or supplement the necessary reading
and writing skills required to do well in school.

We are presently developing plans to initiate an inter-generational program and a resource
center at our office.
Senior Committee
The Bronx Shepherds Senior Committee was formed February 2001.  One of our top priorities is
to service and work with our senior citizens, which will include planning for housing, social
services, and intergenerational programs. Our seniors have a lot to offer the younger
generation including guidance, wisdom and knowledge.  They have talents
and gifts to share in abundance. Together, they will seek to utilize these talents and gifts in the
pursuit of the solution of some of the problems.

The Senior Committee is off to a running start.  It will serve as the hub for senior programs in
our churches.

Bronx Shepherds
Restoration Corporation