The Bronx Shepherds Education
Committee has embarked on a
reading program that provides reading
enrichment skills to the young people
of its member churches.  The goal of
the Reading Enrichment Program is to
help counteract the downward trend of
reading scores by offering a resource
that will enable children to become
better readers.  The program will utilize
extra curriculum materials intended to
motivate elementary school children
age six through eleven years of age or
first through sixth grade to develop
and/or supplement the necessary
reading and writing skills required to
do well in school.
We are presently developing plans to initiate an inter-generational program and a
resource center at our office.
The Bronx Shepherds Senior
Committee was founded February
2001.  One of our top priorities is
to service and work with our to
service and work with our senior
citizens, which will include
planning for housing, social
services, and intergenerational
programs.  Our seniors have a lot
to offer the younger generation lot
to offer the younger generation
including guidance, wisdom and
They have talents and gifts to share in abundance. Together, they will seek to utilize these
talents and gifts in the pursuit of the solution of some of the problems. The Senior Committee
is off to a running start.  It will serve as the hub for senior programs in our churches.
Restoration Corporation
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