Bronx Shepherds Restoration Corporation

One of the major goals of the organization has been to upgrade existing housing through gut or moderate rehabilitation.  In 1985, this goal was realized with the purchase of a New York City owned property, which was completely renovated under the Community Management Program. The current market value of the property is in excess of one million dollars.  This building serves as our cornerstone and is the “Genesis” of our development and rehabilitation programs.  We have been able to leverage more than 35 million dollars in the development of housing for our low to moderate-income families in the South Bronx over the past 10 years to the homebuyers.

The Shepherds have sponsored approximately 500 units of home ownership housing in the past 10 years under the New York City Partnership Program. The total development cost of these properties exceeds 40 million dollars.

Shepherds home ownership projects include:

Site #1; is located at Valentine Avenue and 184th Street.  These two-family Personality Homes project was Co-developed by Mr. Lloyd Price, AKA;Mr. Personality.;

Site #2 ; is located at Rev. James Polite Avenue and 168th Street.  These ;Shepherd Townhouses; include two-family homes with a full basement.

Site #3; is located at 186th Street and Washington Avenue;Park Washington Homes; includes two-family homes constructed at this site.

Site #4 ; consists of two-family homes known as ;Crotona Park South Homes; located at Franklin Avenue and Crotona Park South.
These homes were targeted for low to middle income families with built in subsidies designed to assist this income group to purchase their own homes.

Site #5 ; BSR sponsored and marketed over 267 condominiums at Melrose Court (156th St. and Brook Avenue, Bronx) in collaboration with the NYC Housing Partnership Small Homes Program. This effort allowed us to work closely with NYC Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and private developers for the construction of these homes targeted for low to middle income families at various sites with-in the Bronx.  The successful ;Melrose Commons; was the first condominium project sponsored by the NYC Housing Partnership, and the City of New York together with a local developer.

Site #6 ; BSR sponsored 20 three family homes ; Willis Brook North (138th Street and Willis Avenue, Bronx).  They are completely marketed and sold.

Site #7 ; 203K program.  The Shepherds are excited about this unique program.  The 203K housing program is funded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  They assist prospective homebuyers who want to purchase properties within or outside of New York City.  This program serves as a focal point for the continued rehabilitation of our communities by utilizing the stimulus of home ownership to activate additional rebuilding.

LISC III ; (925 Union Avenue and 1180 Forest Avenue, Bronx) Rehabilitated housing financed through the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development and Tax Credits.
The project is fully rented and the Bronx Shepherds are the owners.

LISC IV ; (1380-82-84 Prospect Avenue, Bronx) Rehabilitated housing financed through the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Tax Credits.  The project is fully rented and the Bronx Shepherds are the owners.

LISC VII ; This project is located in Community Board 5 and consists of the substantial rehabilitation of tax credit eligible units in 6 buildings that are scattered throughout the Morris Heights and Tremont Neighborhoods of the Bronx.  Twelve of these units were set-aside for homeless families on public assistance.  As of December 1997, all leases for this property were signed and the project remains fully occupied at this time.

NRP- BSR worked with the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development to develop three buildings: 981 Union Avenue, 970 Tinton Avenue, and 796 East 163rd Street. All of them are tenanted. The original tenants were relocated during construction and returned to their apartments after the construction was completed.
The project consists of 68 units of affordable standardize housing which will be made available to moderate and low-income families

A. J. ARTHUR JONES -  (1360 Clinton Avenue, Bronx) BSR was awarded 2 million dollars allocated through the Home Fund program, in order to construct new housing in the Morrisania section of the Bronx. Additional funding was provided by NYS Tax Credits and NYEF. The project was developed through the New York state Department of Community and Urban Renewal Program. As of November 1998 all leases were signed and the units are fully occupied.

B. FRAIL ELDERLY - The Daniel Nickerson Arms project began over 6 years ago – Rev. Daniel Nickerson for whom the project is named, was still with us then.
It took six years of perseverance and faith before we could break ground and begin construction. By the spring of 2002 a beautiful 46-unit facility will stand at the corner of 171st Street. and Park Avenue, Bronx N.Y.  The Bronx Shepherds Restoration Corporation, the residents of our community and all who worked for and supported this effort can be extremely proud of this project.

Through the Special Incentive Program (SIP) and Occupied Sales Program (SOS), BSR owns and manages a building located at 1590 East 172nd Street, Bronx. It was previously operated under SIP, but is currently mixed with low-income housing. All apartments have been properly restored and painted.

BSR manages and owns a building at 942 Leggett Avenue, Bronx, N.Y. The building has been completely rehabilitated and operates at 100% occupancy.

This NYC Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) contract allows BSR to work with landlords and tenants to prevent abandonment and homelessness. As a consultant, we help identify buildings that may be distressed. We reach out to landlords and assist them in obtaining loans and clearing violations. We also mediate landlord/tenant disputes. The goal of the program is to prevent landlords from leaving buildings, since abandonment will only cause reductions in the service to tenants and further disruption to all parties, not just the landlord and tenant but also to the neighborhood at large.
In addition consultant contract enables us to work with tenant groups.


We have been selected to participate in another round of NRP. We will be rehabilitating two buildings totaling 55 units.

BSR will be rehabilitating and selling 10 homes. Under this program, in conjunction with HPD and LISC. There will be a subsidy of $40,000 available to homebuyers. Three of these properties are landmarks.

Properties that have been neglected and which have been taken over by the City of New York due to tax arrears will be rehabilitated and sold to first time qualified buyers.
The Bronx shepherds will locate any existing tenants, determine the scope of work, and rehabilitate the buildings prior to the sale. of the buildings.

BSR has been part of the NYS Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program for over 20 years.  The program is funded by the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and is administered by DHCR`s Energy Services Bureau.  Weatherization provides building owners and tenants, assistance and education in energy conservation, including repair or replacement of heating systems, wall and roof insulation, replacement windows, water conservation and health and safety improvements etc.  As of this date, the Shepherds have weatherized approximately 8-thousand units.

For more than 10 years we have been devoted to assisting at risk youthin obtaining on- the-job training in the renovation of vacant buildings, housing maintenance and repair within the South Bronx.  In addition, we have assisted with employment, guidance counseling, GED preparation and remedial instruction in basic reading and math skills.

The Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) awarded this program to BSR in order to assist senior homeowners with loans or grants, allowing them to make emergency or life threatening repairs that they might otherwise not be able to afford.

The Bronx Shepherds Restoration Corporation has completed a 5-year contract with the New York State Health Department. This program allowed children 6 years and under who have tested positive for lead poisoning to receive interim housing with their families in one of two lead free housing units while the lead conditions in their own apartments were abated.  The lead free safe units were located within a Bronx Shepherd property at 340 East 184th Street.

EDUCATION COMMITTEE The Bronx Shepherds Education Committee has embarked on a reading program that provides reading enrichment skills to the young people of its member churches.  The goal of the Reading Enrichment Program is to help counteract the downward trend of reading scores by offering a resource that will enable children to become better readers.  The program will utilize extra curriculum materials intended to motivate elementary school children age six through eleven years of age or first through sixth grade to develop and/or supplement the necessary reading and writing skills required to do well in school.

We are presently developing plans to initiate an inter-generational program and a resource center at our office.

The Bronx Shepherds Senior Committee was formed February 2001.  One of our top priorities is to service and work with our senior citizens, which will include planning for housing, social services, and intergenerational programs.   Our seniors have a lot to offer the younger generation including guidance, wisdom and knowledge.  They have talents and gifts to share in abundance. Together, they will seek to utilize these talents and gifts in the pursuit of the solution of some of the problems.
After three successful meetings the Senior Committee is off to a running start.  It will serve as the hub for senior programs in our churches.  They are planning to hold play skits and will produce a Senior Newsletter.  A Brunch was held on for May 4, 2001.

SCHOLARSHIPS – BSR distributes scholarships to graduating High School Seniors who have been accepted in college at our annual banquet.  The scholarships are donated by local businesspeople.  We have awarded 18 scholarships in the past 5 years totaling $23,000.
Bronx Shepherds Restoration Corporation
(718) 299-0500
(718) 299-1512